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Monday, August 11, 2014

Back to Malibu for breakfast on the beach. No surf :(

When we lived in Malibu, a favorite thing to do was to pack up some food and take it down to the beach.  Sometimes it was lunch and sometimes it was dinner, but I think my favorite meal to eat on the beach is breakfast, especially if you can get down there super early, so it's nice and quiet, and maybe even the sun is just coming up.  It's even better if you can get in the water after eating, but Sunday morning in Malibu conditions weren't right for me.  Waves were kind of on the big side and the tide was high and, I don't know, something told me that even though I had my board, it would probably be a better idea to stay out of the water.  Shout-out, though, to these gents and ladies--

LA County Lifeguards are the best.  You can learn more about them here if you're interested:  The more intrepid surfers seemed to be having a good time though.  Look at this dude go!  So jealous!

Since I got in the water Saturday, it was okay to skip Sunday, and the Beagles had fun in Malibu too!  They took a nice long walk at Point Dume and George got to refamiliarize himself with all those gopher smells.  Also, he has friends from his Malibu days, like the nice lady with the fanny pack full of treats.  He can spot her from like a mile away and will pull us toward her until he gets his treat!

And then there was breakfast. This isn't a complicated one. Just bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches, which don't really require a recipe.  A word again about ingredients, though.  This bread and these eggs, for instance, came from the Saturday farmers' market in Silver lake.  I know I've said this before -- you'll pay a little more for these ingredients but there are so many reasons it's worth it.  The bread wasn't made in some factory a gazillion miles from here, and it's not loaded up with preservatives to keep it 'fresh'. The eggs come from a farmer who cares about his animals. You really don't want to know about conditions for most supermarket eggs. If you did, I bet you'd think twice about eating them. Plus there really is a difference in how they taste. If you don't believe me, try and then see for yourself. Now a contradiction!  The cheese, which was leftover from burgers the other night, is American!  Yes, I love American cheese on cheeseburgers.  Almost nothing melts like it.  So, yeah, not everything has to be artisan made or from the farmers' market, okay?  Oh, but here's one tip about American cheese that is better for the planet.  Try not to buy the kind where every piece is individually wrapped in plastic. That's a very big waste. But at the deli department of most supermarkets you can buy American cheese by the pound.  This way you can get as much as you want and you're not wasting plastic.  See…easy, huh?  So here's the breakfast sandwiches coming together, first this really good whole grain bread, which has some seeds and nuts on top, then the eggs:

Don't forget the cheese and bacon!

Let the eggs sizzle in the pan, and if you don't want them too messy, you can break the yolks so they're not too runny.  Covering the pan helps too.

Here's the finished sandwich, all ready to be wrapped up in foil for the trip to the beach!

So if you live anywhere near a beach, I say pack up your breakfast, your lunch, or your dinner (and don't forget the cocktails!) and eat on the sand.  You'll be happy you did.

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